the entrance to a building with two blue potted plants at The Garden Creek Apartments
the entrance to a building with two blue potted plants at The Garden Creek Apartments

Fair Housing


Garden Creek is committed to compliance with all federal, state, and local fair housing laws.  Garden Creek will not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, disability, or any other specific classes protected by applicable laws. Garden Creek will allow any reasonable accommodation or reasonable modification based upon a disability-related need. The person requesting any reasonable modification may be responsible for the related expenses.


Our process begins with your request and is as follows:

  1. Requests for reasonable accommodation may be submitted to our on-site staff. Requests for reasonable accommodation may be made verbally, in writing, or by any other effective means of communication. We prefer reasonable accommodation requests to be made in writing using our REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION REQUEST FORM (can be obtained from our on-site staff) to help prevent any misunderstandings regarding what is being requested and the date of your request. If needed, another adult authorized to act on your behalf may make your request.
  2. The on-site staff and Regional Manager will review request(s) and provide a Requester with a written determination, usually by email. If a Requester does not have an email address, a written determination will be emailed to our on-site staff who then provides it to the Requester. Absent any extenuating circumstances, the time frame for responding to a request is fourteen (14) days from the date a request is submitted to our onsite staff. If a date on a reasonable accommodation request is not provided or is not legible, Compliance will use the date the Request is submitted to us as the beginning of the timeframe for responding to a Request. Please be advised that the interactive reasonable accommodation process may require additional information requested for the purpose of verifying eligibility for accommodation(s) as well as additional time frame(s).